GPK: Physics of viruses

Tuesday, 6th of June, 16.00
(16.00 Coffee & Cake in the foyer, 16.30 talk & discussion)
Lecture Hall III

Ulrich Schwarz from Heidelberg University will give a lecture on the topic of „Physics of viruses“. He will talk about how physical laws can help to better understand the different stages of the life cycle of viruses and how they set the limits of virus structures, replication and spread.

Full announcement

Interdisciplinary Forum: Social and environmental implications of developing new technologies – quantum computing and beyond

May, 8rd
Egbert Figgemeier
Carbon Footprint and Resources
for Batteries: A Reality Check

May 15th
Theo Alders
„Green infrastructure“
– the promise to undo the damage done
and truly radical infrastruc-tural
technologies of resistance

May 22nd
Markus Rolf
Environmental Ethics of Research

June 5th
Mrinalini Shinde
Net Zero and the Ethical Challenges
in Greenhouse Gas Accounting

June 12th
Dieter Sturma
The Code of Conduct across the
different disciplines at the university

Every Monday, 17:45
Lecture Hall III

For the Bachelors: Die Veranstaltung kann im Studium Integrale belegt werden

Currently, there is a big hype around quantum computing, but the state of development is still so immature that many things are not yet tangible. It is not clear when practical applications may arise but there is obviously the potential that quantum computing has huge impacts e.g. on the privacy of everyone’s communication by breaking currently used encryption mechanisms.
Therefore, we want to learn from social and environmental implications of earlier technological developments and formulate key questions that should be addressed when performing active research in potentially pervasive fields. …

Festival contre le racisme

Der AStA organisiert vom 22.05 bis zum 25.05 ein kostenloses Festival mit Musik, Lesungen, Kinoabenden, Kunstaktionen und Comedy Shows, alles mit dem Ziel sich kritisch mit Rassismus, Faschismus und Sexismus auseinander zu setzten.

The AStA is organising a free festival from the 22nd to the 25th of May that will have live music, readings, comedy shows, art events and films being show, all with the aim of critically inspect racism, sexism and fascism.

Studium am Limit Treffen / Studium am Limit (studying at the limit) meetings

Wenn ihr anstatt bei euch, das Problem eher in den Rahmenbedingen des Studiums sieht und lieber versuchen wollt eine Strukturelle Veränderung zu bewirken, finden regelmäßig Treffen des Bündnis Studium am Limit statt, die sich genau das vorgenommen haben und zu dessen Treffen alle herzlich eingeladen sind. Das Bündnis hatte auch die Vollversammlung organisiert.

A group of students, including numerous student political parties, formed a coalition with the aim of fighting for structural change in the conditions of students and also organised a meeting intended for all students (you might have received the invitation mail). The coalition meets regularly and everyone who is in interested in helping is welcome to come.