Autorenname: Stefan Brackertz

Orientation Friday, October 18th

CM & Computational

About the orientation Fridays

For whom: Advanced Bachelor students & Master beginners
When: October, 11th,
18th, and November, 8th
Where: Seminar room II. Physics institute

Three Fridays to go deeper in the courses and to hear the stories of many master students. The plan for those Fridays will be as follows:

  • 3:00 PM – Study Planning & Guidance: This time is reserved for new students who need assistance with study planning or course-related and other questions, especially for those who couldn’t attend yet.
  • 4:00 PM – Specialisation Presentations: We will present different specialisation areas of the Cologne Master program which also reflect the Cologne research areas. These presentations will include scientific talk and lab tours, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the research areas and opportunities within the program (no claim of completeness).
  • Afterwards: campus tour, workshops, social events…: There will be another campus tour, different workshops e.g. tackling racism or critical sciences as well as more opportunities to get to know each other and the city better.

Master-Welcome-Program Winter ’24 starting at September 30th

Dear new master students,

to welcome you and get to know each other, the study programme as well as the university/department better there will be a Master-Welcome Program just before the semester / lectures start(s) with follow-up events in the first weeks of the semester. The program is designed in a way that also people can (in parts) participate which cannot make it to Cologne in time, i.e. because of VISA difficulties. …

Orientation Friday, October 11th

Tandem & Holography

About the orientation Fridays

For whom: Advanced Bachelor students & Master beginners
When: October, 11th,
18th, and November, 8th
Where: Seminar room II. Physics institute

Three Fridays to go deeper in the courses and to hear the stories of many master students. The plan for those Fridays will be as follows:

  • 3:00 PM – Study Planning & Guidance: This time is reserved for new students who need assistance with study planning or course-related and other questions, especially for those who couldn’t attend yet.
  • 4:00 PM – Specialisation Presentations: We will present different specialisation areas of the Cologne Master program which also reflect the Cologne research areas. These presentations will include scientific talk and lab tours, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the research areas and opportunities within the program (no claim of completeness).
  • Afterwards: campus tour, workshops, social events…: There will be another campus tour, different workshops e.g. tackling racism or critical sciences as well as more opportunities to get to know each other and the city better.

September Retreat


Wednesday, Sep 25th to Friday, Sep 27th
For for advanced Bachelor students, for Master and PhD students

The next master retreat is just around the corner. From Wednesday, Sep 25th till Friday, Sep 27th we will be going to a self-catering house in Wermelskirchen with all Master students and those who want to become one soon.

Activities that await you: Table tennis – Foosball – Boardgames – … Activities of your choices!!

The main language of the trip is English, participation including meals is 25€. (If you have problems with these 25€: Just register and write that as a comment. We will find a solution!) As always, there is plenty of room to get to know each other better, fun and free time. You’re welcome to bring your own ideas and/or tell us about them 😉

THE MAIN GOAL of the retreat is to plan for the welcome program for the new master students, which start in the week after the retreat. The planning will only take few hours. We would really appreciate if you join the discussion.

Either way, we would be happy if you want/can join us for the welcome program.

If you have any questions, just write us:

Sign up here

Konferenzluft: Eine Reise in die Dunkelheit

Do., 12.9., Aula im Hauptgebäude

Öffentlicher Abendvortrag von Andrina Nicola im Rahmen der Jahrestagung 2024 der Deutschen Astronomischen Gesellschaft:

Das Universum besteht zu 95 Prozent aus zwei mysteriösen, unsichtbaren Komponenten, der Dunklen Materie und der Dunklen Energie. Eines der Hauptziele der Kosmologie ist es, diesen Bestandteilen auf die Spur zu kommen und ihre Eigenschaften einzugrenzen. In diesem Vortrag werde ich die zugrundeliegenden Methoden erläutern und einen Überblick über die Durchmusterungen geben, die uns einen neuen Blick und neue Erkenntnisse über unser Universum geben werden.