Erstsemesterprogramm Sommersemester 24

Kurzinfo zum Orientierungsprogramm

    • Termine: Mi., 20.03., Do., 4.04., Fr., 5.04., ab 11:00 Uhr
      Die Termine sind nicht Alternativtermine, sondern es gibt verschiedenes Programm und es ist so gedacht, dass alle immer kommen. Dennoch ist es natürlich möglich, zu einzelnen Terminen zu kommen, wenn man an den anderen nicht kann.
    • Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.
    • Treffpunkt: Seminarraum I. Physik. Das Programm ist ganztägig und ausschließlich in Präsenz. Bei Fragen ist die Fachschaft auch jederzeit erreichbar unter

ML4Q Online-Talk am Internationalen Frauentag „Who is this Mr Noether? On the interdisciplinary (in)visualisation of female scientists“

Sharepic Mr. Noether
Fr., 8.3., 13:30 Uhr

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we will be hosting an exciting online talk on: Who is this Mr Noether? On the interdisciplinary (in)visualisation of female scientists

Women were excluded from science for decades. Many of them only managed to study through detours and only achieved a doctorate with support. In scientific discourse, their theories are often ignored or mentioned as a side note. Yet female scientists, whether in the natural sciences or the humanities, have made great achievements since ancient times. The talk will look at different personalities and the obstacles they have faced and raise the question of whether interdisciplinary collaboration would have made the paths of many brilliant women easier and how we can promote solidarity among female scientists from all disciplines in the future – to make the paths into science better for women.

The talk will be given by Prof Carla Schriever, Professor for Social Work at the International University of Lübeck, whose research focuses on social inequality, gender and science history. She is also the author of the book „Vordenkerinnen: Physikerinnen und Philosophinnen durch die Jahrhunderte“.

Registration necessary.