Mental health in times of crisis

Today we would like to draw your attention to an exciting event that we, the Physics Ombudspersons, have organized for you with the support of the SFBs 1238 and 1601, the TRR 183, and the Cluster of Excellence ML4Q; a talk and workshop on „Mental health in times of crisis“ taking place on 24.01.2024.

We live in times when the framework in which we move safely and comfortably because we are familiar with it, is no longer as tight as we were used to for a long time. Crises, or events perceived as crises, influence our daily lives and can make us feel overwhelmed, powerless, and helpless. There seem to be numerous events that can have a lasting impact on our everyday lives, be it climate change, various wars and conflicts, (post-)pandemic transformations, and many other global happenings and human-caused disasters. …

GPK: Lipid nanoparticles – a soft matter perspective on programmable nucleic acid carriers

Tuesday, 23rd of January, 16.00
(16.00 Coffee & Cake in the foyer, 16.30 talk & discussion)
Lecture Hall III

Lipid Nanoparticles represent the most advanced technology for delivery of nucleic acid. The particles exhibit a well-designed core-shell structure containing ordered lipid mesophases that encapsulate nucleic acid. We discuss distinct pH dependent structural transitions in bulk phases of cationic ionizable lipids and their role in nucleic acid transfer.

These structural transitions are related to gene delivery activity. We show that understanding the content and release kinetics of lipid nanoparticles that contain multiple nucleic acid species, allows for the design of regulatory motives, e.g. feed forward loops, resulting in tailored expression kinetics.

Full announcement


Picture of last year's poster session

Nach dem erfolgreichen Event im letzten Jahr veranstalten wir am Montag, 22.1., ab 16 Uhr eine weitere Postersession. Eine Besonderheit der Kölner Physik-Studiengänge ist die Nähe der Lehre zur Forschung. Spätestens bei der Bachelor-Arbeit werden Studierende in größere Forschungsprojekte eingebunden. Deshalb wollen wir euch in lockerer Runde die Möglichkeit bieten, die verschiedenen Arbeitsgruppen der Physik kennen zu lernen:
Montag, 22.1.
  • 16 Uhr, Hörsaal I: Überblick über die Institute (inkl. Jülich)
  • 16.30 Uhr, Foyer: Posterpräsentation der Arbeitsgruppen mit Snacks und Getränken
  • im Anschluss: Geselliger Ausklang
Parallel Vorstellung der Bibliothek, des Projektpraktikums etc.
After last year’s successful event, we are organising another poster session on Monday, Jan 22th from 4 pm. A specialty of the Cologne Physics department is the vicinity of teaching to research. Starting quite early, students are involved in research projects. This is why we want to give the possibility to get to know the workgroups in a relaxed setting:
Monday, 22.1.
  • 4 p.m., Lecture Hall I: Overview given by people from our five institutes as well as Jülich
  • 4.30 pm, Foyer: Poster presentation of the workgroups : Choose groups you are interested in, and find out more about their work and their people
  • afterwards: Sociable end
At the same time: presentation of the library, the project internship etc.

GPK: Neutron excess in atomic nuclei

Tuesday, 9th of January, 16.00
(16.00 Coffee & Cake in the foyer, 16.30 talk & discussion)
Lecture Hall III

Neutron excess in atomic nuclei have challenged our understanding of nuclear structure and the properties of nuclear matter for decades. Rare isotope facilities have given access to the neutron-rich side of the nuclear landscape. In this colloquium Alexandre Obertelli will focus on few of the most recent experiment results in the field: the first observation of an interacting free four-neutron system, the discovery of the 28O unbound system (8 protons, 20 neutrons), as well as the description of the new experiment PUMA (antiproton Unstable Matter Annihilation) at CERN aiming at using antimatter to investigate neutron skins at the nuclear surface.

Full announcement

Winterfahrt ’24 / / Winter retreat ’24

Anmeldung zur Winterfahrt

Die Anmeldung für die nächste Fahrt (19.-21.1.24) ist eröffnet. Falls ihr mitkommen wollt, tragt euch bis zum 12.1. (also Freitag nach den Weihnachtsferien) in die Umfrage ein.

Die Fahrt richtet sich explizit nicht nur an Erstsemester sondern an alle, die mitkommen wollen und Physik bzw. Geophysik/Meteorologie studieren. Wir wollen dafür sorgen und dazu beitragen, dass sich Menschen aus verschiedenen Semestern (und ähnlichen Studiengängen) kennenlernen.

Wir fahren wieder in das Selbstversorger*innenhaus in Wermelskirchen, wofür 25€ fürs Essen und Trinken eingesammelt werden, damit vorher jemand einkaufen gehen kann. Dort gibt es nicht nur Programm von Gitarren- und/oder Ukulelen-Workshop übers Krawall-Kaffee bis Wanderung zum See, sondern vor allem viel Zeit, um sich gegenseitig kennenzulernen, über alles mögliche zu reden und einfach eine gute Zeit miteinander zu verbringen. Die Fahrt lebt also davon, was wir draus machen, falls ihr also Programmideen habt, schreibt sie gern in die Anmeldung.

Wenn jemand Schwierigkeiten hat, dieses Geld aufzubringen oder auch bei allen anderen Rückfragen: Meldet euch bei uns:

Am ersten Wochenende nach den Ferien (13./14.1.) werten wir das Ganze dann aus und schicken eine Mail an alle, die mitkommen können. In der zweiten Uniwoche nach den Ferien werden wir ein kurzes Vortreffen machen (genauer Termin folgt mit der nächsten Mail), aber so viel sei gesagt, wir fahren am Freitag (19.1.) mittag zusammen los ;D

Zur Anmeldung: Bitte füllt alles aus und denkt dran eure Mailadresse und jegliche Allergien und Unverträglichkeiten reinzuschreiben.

Sprecht gerne auch andere Leute aus der Physik an und weist sie auf die Fahrt hin.

Wir freuen uns auf einen tolle Winterfahrt!

Registration for winter retreat

The registration for the next retreat (19-21.1.24) is open. If you want to come along, please register by 12.1. (i.e. friday after the Christmas holidays) in the survey.

The trip is explicitly not only for first-year students, but for everyone who wants to come and is studying physics or geophysics/meteorology. We want to make sure and contribute that people from different semesters (and similar courses of study) get to know each other.

We are going to the self-catering house in Wermelskirchen again, for which 25€ will be collected for food and drink, so that someone can go shopping beforehand. There will not only be a programme ranging from guitar and/or ukulele workshops to „Krawall-Kaffee“ or a hike to the lake, but above all a lot of time to get to know each other, talk about everything and just have a good time together. The trip depends on what we make of it, so if you have any ideas for the programme, please write them in the registration form.

If anyone has difficulties raising this money or has any other queries: get in touch with us:

On the first weekend after the holidays (13/14 January) we will evaluate the whole thing and send an email to everyone who can come. In the second week of university after the holidays we will have a short pre-meeting (exact date will follow in the next mail), but we will leave together on Friday (Jan 19) at noon ;D

Registration: Please fill in everything and remember to write your email address and any allergies or intolerances.

Feel free to contact other people from physics and let them know about the trip.

We are looking forward to a great winter trip!