Autorenname: Stefan Brackertz

Master meeting

Stressed Worker

Thursday, January 16, 5pm
Seminar Room 0.02 ETP („Aquarium“)

We want to mostly discuss topics regarding the Master:

1. Growing study durations

There is a low percentage of students dropping out but m​​​any people need to work, and need longer because of that. What is the reason for these developments, what do we think about that?

  • If we think something regarding the study program should be changed what should it be?
    • Proposal during Q-conference: Getting rid of the M-Lab exams -> What else: graded reports? No grade at all?
    • Other ideas?
  • What can we do to improve the social situation of students?

2. Loneliness during the studies

Studies and evaluations indicate that loneliness is a growing problem among students, also in our department.

    • Do people even want to be more socialized?
      • What can we do against that
      • Future of the Master retreat
      • Oral exam workshop
  • How to reach people that don’t take part at socializing events?


Picture of last year's poster session

Nach dem erfolgreichen Event im letzten Jahr veranstalten wir am Freitag, 31.1., ab 16 Uhr eine weitere Postersession. Eine Besonderheit der Kölner Physik-Studiengänge ist die Nähe der Lehre zur Forschung. Spätestens bei der Bachelor-Arbeit werden Studierende in größere Forschungsprojekte eingebunden. Deshalb wollen wir euch in lockerer Runde die Möglichkeit bieten, die verschiedenen Arbeitsgruppen der Physik kennen zu lernen:
Freitag, 31.1.
  • 16:30 Uhr, Hörsaal II: Überblick über die Institute (inkl. Jülich)
  • 17.00 Uhr, Foyer: Posterpräsentation der Arbeitsgruppen mit Snacks und Getränken
  • im Anschluss: Geselliger Ausklang
After last year’s successful event, we are organising another poster session on Friday, Jan 31th from 4 pm. A specialty of the Cologne Physics department is the vicinity of teaching to research. Starting quite early, students are involved in research projects. This is why we want to give the possibility to get to know the workgroups in a relaxed setting:
Friday, 31.1.
  • 4.30 p.m., Lecture Hall II: Overview given by people from our five institutes as well as Jülich
  • 5 pm, Foyer: Poster presentation of the workgroups : Choose groups you are interested in, and find out more about their work and their people
  • afterwards: Sociable end

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