Autorenname: Stefan Brackertz

Physics Student Retreat

for advanced Bachelor students, Master and PhD students
Tuesday, February 18 to Thursday, February 20

  • Workshops on:
    • Planning for Welcoming new Master Students
    • How to address racism?
    • Impact of physics on society
    • How to improve our course program
  • International cooking
  • Fun, fun, fun…



Logo Radentscheid

Seid ihr auch frustriert vom Fahrradfahren in Köln? Von gefährlichen Situationen aufgrund schlechter Radwege? Dann unterschreibt doch den Fahrradentscheid: ein Bürgerentscheid mit dem Ziel, den Stadtrat rechtlich bindend zur Verbesserung der Radinfrastruktur zu verpflichten. Die Unterschriftenlisten liegen im Foyer aus, zwischen den Sitzgruppen und der Treppe zu den Toiletten. Alle Menschen mit Wohnsitz in Köln und einer EU-Staatsbürgerschaft können unterschreiben. Are you tired of riding a bicycle in Cologne? Tired of every ride being dangerous due to the lack of secure bike lanes? Consider signing the „Fahrradentscheid”, a ‘citizen’s request’ to oblige the city council to drastically improve the cycling infrastructure. The signature lists are available in the main lobby, between the common space and the stairs to the toilets. All residents of Cologne with an EU citizenship are eligible.

Unsere Positionen

Hier gibt es einen groben Überblick über unsere Positionen zu aktueallen Themen.

Krieg, Frieden, Geopolitik und Wissenschaft




Hochschulgesetz, Ordnungsrecht & Co


Kommt vorbei, mischt mit — auch und gerade, wenn ihr anderer Meinung seid!

P&E Header

Die Rolle der Technologie in der Zeitenwenden-Geopolitik am Beispiel KI – und wie wir sie verändern wollen

– Teil 2


Montag, 10.2., 16 Uhr
Neben dem Toni

GPK: Electrochemical Energy Storage beyond Lithium

Tuesday, 4th of February, 16.00
(16.00 Coffee & Cake in the foyer, 16.30 talk & discussion)
Lecture Hall III

The transition to renewable energy sources is driving significant changes in energy technology and impacting ecosystems worldwide. Mobile energy supply and intermediate energy storage are encountering new challenges that necessitate innovative technologies. Beyond functionality, the sustainability of batteries throughout their entire life cycle must also be considered.

This talk by Helmut Ehrenberg from KIT will introduce electrochemical energy storage, review established battery concepts, and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these technologies. Additionally, it will explore the challenges and opportunities of future technologies beyond Li-ion batteries, through the perspective of the Cluster of Excellence “POLiS,” with a focus on battery materials, their characterization during operation, and sustainability.

Full announcement

P&E Header

Die Rolle der Technologie in der Zeitenwenden-Geopolitik am Beispiel KI – und wie wir sie verändern wollen


Montag, 17.1., 16 Uhr
Neben dem Toni

GPK: Insights into Microbial Inner Life Using Single-Molecule Microscopy

Tuesday, 26th of January, 16.00
(16.00 Coffee & Cake in the foyer, 16.30 talk & discussion)
Lecture Hall III

The group of Ulrike Endesfelder from Bonn university investigates how cellular life emerges and is regulated by molecular processes, using microbes from all life domains: archaea, eukaryotes, and prokaryotes. Our interdisciplinary group focuses on cell biology, employing techniques such as molecular biology, biophysics, and computational methods, with a special emphasis on quantitative single-molecule microscopy.

They aim to understand how the spatial organization and dynamics of molecules in the cellular environment determines cell function and regulates life; e.g. by transient molecular interactions and the plasticity of complexes. By quantifying these molecular details in vivo, we create a spatially and temporally resolved picture of microbial cells.

In this talk Ulrike Endesfelder will discuss the potential of single-molecule techniques in cell biology, highlighting examples from our work and future directions.

Full announcement


Picture of last year's poster session

Nach dem erfolgreichen Event im letzten Jahr veranstalten wir wieder eine Postersession. Eine Besonderheit der Kölner Physik-Studiengänge ist die Nähe der Lehre zur Forschung. Spätestens bei der Bachelor-Arbeit werden Studierende in größere Forschungsprojekte eingebunden. Deshalb wollen wir euch in lockerer Runde die Möglichkeit bieten, die verschiedenen Arbeitsgruppen der Physik kennen zu lernen:
Mittwoch, 29.1.
  • 16:00 Uhr, Hörsaal I: Überblick über die Institute (inkl. Jülich)
  • 17.00 Uhr, Foyer: Posterpräsentation der Arbeitsgruppen mit Snacks und Getränken
  • im Anschluss: Geselliger Ausklang
After last year’s successful event, we are organizing another poster session. A specialty of the Cologne Physics department is the vicinity of teaching to research. Starting quite early, students are involved in research projects. This is why we want to give the possibility to get to know the workgroups in a relaxed setting:
Wednesday, 29.1.
  • 4 p.m., Lecture Hall I: Overview given by people from our five institutes as well as Jülich
  • 4.30 pm, Foyer: Poster presentation of the workgroups : Choose groups you are interested in, and find out more about their work and their people
  • afterwards: Sociable end