GPK: Inferring the rules of simple life

Tuesday, 23rd of April, 16.00
(16.00 Coffee & Cake in the foyer, 16.30 talk & discussion)
Lecture Hall III

In physics, we are used to describing the world around us in terms of particles, or quasiparticles, with defined properties and interactions. Even when the particles have substructure, this description remains useful, for as long as the particles remain intact. Living matter consists of very complex “particles”, with internal states that are often hidden to the observer. Inferring the quantitative properties and interactions of these biological particles from targeted experiments is an exciting endeavor for physicists. Ulrich Gerland from TU München will try to demonstrate this for the case where the particles are micron-sized bacterial cells, using examples from his own and other groups work.

Full announcement

Tutorien im Sommersemester 2024

Neues zu den Tutorien

Dieses Semester gibt es ein paar Änderungen bei unseren Tutorien. Da „Analysis II“ nicht mehr verpflichtend gehört werden muss und die erste Vorlesung in theoretischer Physik, die „Klassische Mechanik“,  ins 2. Semester vorgezogen wurde und „Mathematik für Physikstudierende I“ nun auch zusätzlich im Sommersemester angeboten wird,  gibt es dieses Semester keine Tutorien zur „Analysis II“ mehr, aber neu dazukommen zwei Tutorien zur „Klassischen Mechanik“ und eines zu „Mathematik für Physikstudierende I“. Start aller Tutorien ist in der zweiten Vorlesungswoche.

Infos zu allen Tutorien findet ihr hier.

Einführungsveranstaltungen Praktikum A

Es wird auch zwei Einführungsveranstaltungen zum Praktikum A geben.

  • Mittwoch 10.4. um 14 Uhr in Hörsaal II, Wie ist das physikalische Praktikum organisiert?
  • Donnerstag 11.4. um 14 Uhr in Hörsaal II, Einführung in die Fehlerrechnung

Lehrpreis für Hannah Weck

Das Thema Inklusion ist ein noch relativ junges Thema an Universitäten und es ist noch weniger lange her, dass sich alle Bereiche des Lehramtsstudiums damit befassen. Trotz der großen gesamtgesellschaftlichen Relevanz ist das Thema dennoch in vielen Lehramtsstudiengängen bisher noch relativ gering verankert und meist werden dort auch nur einzelne Aspekte der Inklusion beleuchtet. Zudem ist die Praxis an Pilotschulen meist der noch noch sehr jungen wissenschaftlichen Disziplin voraus. Aus diesem Grund hat die Studierendenschaft immer wieder darauf insistiert, diesem Thema mehr Raum in den verschiedenen Studiengängen zu geben, wobei der Anschluss an die aktuelle Forschung und insbesondere die Praxis an Pilotschulen eine besondere Bedeutung spielen sollte. …

Mehr Leben an der Uni! // More Life at the University

Offener Brief des Fachschaftenausschusses der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät an den Senat

Die im Januar abgewendete Schließung des Café Chaos hat uns zum Nachdenken angeregt und ist ein Ausdruck einer problematischen Gesamtentwicklung:
Auch wenn es in einigen Bereichen erfreuliche Gegenentwicklungen gibt, wird die Uni insgesamt immer mehr zu einem durchprofessionalisierten Lernsilo statt Lebensraum und Wirkungsstätte ihrer Mitglieder zu sein. Der Corona-Lockdown, aus dem große Bereiche der Uni immer noch nicht vollständig zurück sind, hat diese Tendenz zur Geisteruni beschleunigt. Dieses Problem spiegelt sich auch in der katastrophalen Wahlbeteiligung der jüngsten Wahl wider und in den Umfragen zu Mental Health, die regelmäßig massive psychische Probleme vor allem auf Grund von Leistungsdruck, Einsamkeit und Geldproblemen aufzeigen.
The closure of the Café Chaos, which was averted in January, has given us food for thought and is an expression of a problematic overall development:
Even though there are pleasing counter-developments in some areas, the university is increasingly becoming a professionalized learning silo instead of being a living space and place of action for its members. The Corona lockdown, from which large areas of the university have not yet fully returned, has accelerated this tendency towards a ghost university. This problem is also reflected in the catastrophic voter turnout in the most recent election and in the mental health surveys, which regularly reveal massive psychological problems, especially due to performance pressure, loneliness and money problems.

GPK: Picture a Scientist

Tuesday, 16th of April, 16.00
(16.00 Coffee & Cake in the foyer, 16.30 talk & discussion)
Lecture Hall III

PICTURE A SCIENTIST chronicles the groundswell of researchers who are writing a new chapter for women scientists. Biologist Nancy Hopkins, chemist Raychelle Burks, and geologist Jane Willenbring lead viewers on a journey deep into their own experiences in the sciences, ranging from brutal harassment to years of subtle slights. Along the way, from cramped laboratories to spectacular field stations, we encounter scientific luminaries – including social scientists, neuroscientists, and psychologists – who provide new perspectives on how to make science itself more diverse, equitable, and open to all.

Full announcement

Master-Welcome Program ’24

Tuesday, 2nd of April, 11:00 Cologne, Physics Department
Wednesday, 3rd of April, 11:00 Cologne, Physics Department
Friday, 5th of April,  Time follows

To welcome all new physics master students there are 2,5 days of program:

  • Getting to know each other: people from around the world, people from different German universities, people who have done their Bachelor in Cologne
  • All the information you need to plan a successful start without being overwhelmed by all the possibilities you have
  • Getting started in Germany, getting started in Cologne: Visa, health insurance, housing, public, German courses, free bikes transportation – whatever issues you have
  • What are the resources you can use in the Cologne Physics Department? From Software licenses to band rehearsal
  • Getting to know the course guidance and the student representative
  • Guided campus tour, sports program, student locations close to university…
  • Labtours and scientific talks by advanced students
  • Specialties of the German university system and their interesting history
  • Fun, fun, fun!

The program is always planned for the whole day (except for Friday where it starts in the afternoon), until late in the evening! (If you have problems going home late, don’t hesitate to contact us for a couch close to university)
A part of the program is outside, so take the weather into account.

The dates are not alternatives but there is a 2,5-day program (Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday) for all people starting their master this semester (regardless if you have done your master in Cologne or somewhere else).


Master-Retreat March ’24

Tuesday, March 26th to Thursday, 28th
The next master retreat is just around the corner. From Tuesday, March 26th till Thursday, March 28th we will be going to a self-catering house in Hauset, Belgium with all Master students and those who want to become one soon.
The main language of the trip is English, participation including meals is (probably, we are figuring it out, worst case: 25€) free of charge. As always, there is plenty of room to get to know each other better, fun and free time, e.g. a food exchange evening on Tuesday, please bring something (best case: vegan & allergy-friendly) to the trip on Tuesday. You’re welcome to bring your own ideas and/or tell us about them 😉 Also there is something to work on, namely the welcome program for the new Master students, which will take place the week after the trip. If you want to come with us, and we would be really happy if you did :D.
The general registration is closed. If you nevertheless want to join spontaneously, please write us: