Master-Welcome Week

Monday, 2nd of October, 11:00 Cologne, Physics Department
Wednesday, 4th of October, 11:00 Cologne, Physics Department
Thursday, 5th of October, 10:15 Bonn, Hörsaalzentrum Poppelsdorf, SR 2
Saturday, 7th of October, 14:00 Cologne, Affenfelsen

To welcome all new physics master students there are 4 days of program:

  • Getting to know each other: people from around the world, people from different German universities, people who have done their Bachelor in Cologne
  • All the information you need to plan a successful start without being overwhelmed by all the possibilities you have
  • Getting started in Germany, getting started in Cologne: Visa, health insurance, housing, public, German courses, free bikes transportation – whatever issues you have
  • What are the resources you can use in the Cologne Physics Department? From Software licenses to band rehearsal
  • Getting to know the course guidance and the student representative
  • Cooperation with Bonn: Let’s visit them
  • Guided campus tour, sports program, student locations close to university…
  • Labtours and scientific talks by advanced students
  • Specialties of the German university system and their interesting history
  • Livemusik-Festival
  • Fun, fun, fun!

The program is always planned for the whole day, until late in the evening! (If you have problems going home late, don’t hesitate to contact us for a couch close to university)
A big part of the program is outside, so take the weather into account.

The dates are not alternatives but there is a 3-day program (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday) for all people starting their master this semester (regardless if you have done your master in Cologne or somewhere else) and a semester start festival for the whole physics department on Saturday.