Autorenname: Stefan Brackertz

Update on upcoming changes in the MSc program

This is to announce some of the new measures which will come into effect from the winter term 2023 on. Some of the intended changes might have an influence on your plans, thus, the early information.

  1. There will be a new Primary Area of Specialization „Foundations of Quantum Technologies: Matter, Light and Information“ – this new area is a further development of the already existing secondary area on Quantum Information. As a consquence, you will be able to choose courses for this area in KLIPS accordingly. (See also next mail.)
  2. The Primary Area of Specialization will be reduced from 21 CP to 18 CP. This is done by removing the Advanced Seminar as compulsory part of this module. Thus, you do not have to wait for a fitting seminar offer and/or for your presentation within the seminar before you can do the oral exam.
    IMPORTANT: the MSc examination board has decided that as of now, the exam on the Primary Area can be done before the Adv. Seminar is done. Just note that the PAoS will not show up on your transcript of records until you have also done your seminar presentation.
  3. One of the specialized lectures (3 CP) in your PAoS may be replaced by a research internship. Here are the requirements for the internship to get credits: the scope of the internship must be at least 4 weeks with 20 hours per week and requires a written report!
  4. Students still have to do an Advanced Seminar but it will be combined with one of the two lab course modules to a new module.

Please note that it would be required to change to the new examination regulations for the winter term in order to fully benefit from the changes mentioned above!

In case of further questions ask Petra Neubauer-Guenther.

Labtour & Movie Night

Friday, April 21st, 16:15
Seminar room ETP

  • Accelerator tour in the nuclear physics institute
  • Getting together
  • Movie (~7pm)
  • Pub

We invite you all, and we highly encourage new master students, to a Master-Event-Friday as there will be also lots of possibilities to address open questions of any kind.


Die nächste Fahrt steht wieder an und ihr könnt dabei sein. Es geht ganz klassisch vom 14.-16.4. wieder in ein Selbstversorungshaus in Wermelskirchen: Wir werden gemeinsam das Programm machen, Kochen, putzen usw. Die Kosten für Essen und Getränke für das gesamte We sind pro Person ca. 25€.

Anmelden könnt ihr euch unter

Welcome Program for new Master Students

Welcome to Cologne!

On behalf of the Cologne Physics Department, the BCGS and the student body we want to cordially invite you to a two-days-program:

We want to give you an overview of the Cologne master physics program, how to chose your courses, how to deal with bureaucratic hussles, what the research in Cologne is about and so on. But more important: There will be a lot of social acticites to get in touch with each other, Cologne student life and the students already studying in Cologne.

We meet on Thursday and Friday, March 30th and 31st of March at 11am in the Foyer of the physics building.

The program is planned for the whole day:

  • Overview over the course program
  • Studying in Germany
  • Labtours
  • One-to-One counseling
  • Scientific talks
  • Party & Kiosk Crawl

If you cannot make it to Cologne: You can also join the first part of the program on both days via ZOOM:

Finalizing your plans for the upcoming semester:

More information, Q&A on Monday, 3. of April:

  • For those coming in presence: 9am, lecture hall III
  • For those participating online: 2pm:

See you soon!

Master’s retreat

Hello everyone!

The dates for the Spring Masters‘ Retreat has been finalized to be from March 22, 2023 (Wednesday) to March 24 2023 (Friday). The location for this year’s retreat is in a delightful house in Wemelskirchen, in NRW. Please circulate this form to all interested participants, and sign up fast, because there are limited number of places available!

Dates: March 22, 2023 (Wednesday) to March 24 2023 (Friday).
Location: Neuenmühle 2, 42929 Wermelskirchen

Reaching there: We rendezvous in front of THP at 12:00 on March 22. There will be buddies present, so no worries about getting there alone!

If you are doing the ASP retake exam, there will be a group going there after the ASP retake exam, timing will depend on when the exam gets over. Fachschaft will be there for help and coordination as well!

Important Information:

1) Please bring your residence permit/visa/passport AND your student ID.
2) Remember to bring essentials like a blanket, toothbrush, towels, etc. We will have to cook our own food and clean up after ourselves, like a family trip.
3) Everyone is required to help. If you want to choose dinner/lunch for one day, you’re welcome to do so! Maybe you can choose a dish from your culture?

To register, fill-up this form:

For further queries or suggestions, please mail with „Masters‘ Retreat“ as the subject line.

Hope to see you all on March 22th!