Autorenname: Stefan Brackertz

Verbesserte Prüfungsordnungen ab Oktober 23 // Better study regulations starting October 23

Nach 5-jähriger Diskussion treten zum kommenden Wintersemester neue Prüfungsordnungen in allen Physikstudiengängen mit erheblichen Verbesserungen inkraft. Studierende, die bereits vorher eingeschrieben sind, können auf Antrag direkt wechseln und werden ansonsten nach einer Übergangszeit in die neuen Prüfungsordnungen transferiert.
(Mehr Infos dazu in Kürze online.)Angesichts dessen finden zusätzlich zum regulären Angebot zahlreiche Sonderberatungen statt.
Die nächsten Termine:

  • Di., 8.8., 12:30-15:30 Uhr im Foyer
  • Mo., 14.8., 9:30-12:30 Uhr im Foyer
  • Mi., 23.8., 12:30-15:30 Uhr im Foyer
  • Fr., 1.9., 9:30-12:30 Uhr im Foyer
After 5 years of discussion, new examination regulations will come into force in the coming winter semester in all physics courses with considerable improvements. Students who are already enrolled can change directly upon request and will otherwise be transferred to the new examination regulations after a transition period.
(More information will be available online soon).In view of this, numerous special advising sessions will be held in addition to the regular offerings.
The next dates:

  • Tuesday., 8.8., 12:30-15:30 in Foyer
  • Monday, 14.8., 9:30-12:30 in Foyer
  • Wednesday, 23.8., 12:30-15:30 in Foyer
  • Friday, 1.9., 9:30-12:30 in Foyer



Nach den Klausuren wollen wir am Affenfelsen zusammenkaommen, quatschen, ein bisschen feiern, Pläne fürs kommende Semester schmieden und und und.

Für Musik sowie Getränke und Kleinigkeiten zu Essen gegen Spende ist gesorgt.

Nach der EX-I-Klausur: Mittwoch, 19.7. ab 16 Uhr
Nach der LaVa-Klausur: Mittwoch, 26.7. ab 11 Uhr
Nach der EX-II-Klausur: Mittwoch, 2.8. ab 12 Uhr

The experience from AI development in the last decades

Monday, 3rd of July, 17:45
Seminar room I. Physics Institute

In our series of events on societal issues of quantum computing and quantum technologies, we’ll have a look at the history of AI not only to understand its hype and the AI-winter to learn from that for the development of Quantum Technologies.

If up to the mechanistic world view the artificially generated movement still seemed like a fake of life, in the last century we became part of a systemic thinking which made us get used to a „rhythm of the machines“ (H. Arendt). Out of this habit and because we become somehow technology ourselves, by using it, according to Arnold Gehlen, we learned to develop technical cognitive systems á la GPT-4 and also to use them in our everyday life. Systems that extend or even exceed our human cognitive capabilities in quite a few use cases.

„AI, that’s all we can’t do yet!“ is the credo of the artificial intelligence research elite. Always looking to the near future, yet far enough away to let past disappointments fade into oblivion. After all, every illusory system always brought with it its inherent disappointment. And so the history of artificial intelligence periodically experienced a kind of phenomenal demystification in which the magic began to crumble, not infrequently resulting in a so-called AI winter. Nevertheless, Artificial Intelligence, implemented in our everyday life remained.

The current Machine Learning approach of Deep Learning will also flatten out in its current development curve. The next winter is coming, that much is certain, the only question is „When?“. Increasingly large Artificial Neural Networks in Transformer architectures are running up against massive ecological and ethical limits. Regardless, the current state of the art will also be implemented in commercially viable applications. In military applications, medicine, finance, homeland security, the Internet of Things, our smartphones, vehicles, our epistemological, as well as our everyday tools. They will escape our attention and we will use them without perceiving them, nor being able to question them. The current social debates will fade away and AI will become a background technology. It will become a habit again.

The lecture offers approaches to look at artificial intelligence research from today back to its beginnings in a multi-perspective way and, at best, to reframe it in order to be able to better understand AI hype and its social, cultural and also ecological consequences, as long as this branch of research is in the public debate.

GPK: Non-equilibrium matter through the prism of quantum entanglement

Tuesday, 4th of July, 16.00
(16.00 Coffee & Cake in the foyer, 16.30 talk & discussion)
Lecture Hall III

Remarkable experimental progress in quantum simulation enabled studies of non-equilibrium phenomena in interacting quantum systems. Bringing quantum matter out-of-equilibrium is a tool to engineer desired properties, but theoretically poses a major challenge, due to the exponential growth of computational complexity.

Dima Abanian will give an overview theoretical progress in describing non-equilibrium quantum matter, based on quantum entanglement and will describe mechanisms to avoid thermalisation, which lead to coherence protection and enable non-equilibrium phenomena not envisioned within statistical mechanics.

Full announcement

Hiroshima-Tag 2023

Samstag, 5.8., 18 Uhr
Hiroshima-Nagasaki-Park (beim Biergarten Aachener Weiher)

Seit Jahren tritt die Fachschaft Physik zusammen mit einigen Dozierenden der Physik und vielen Mitstreiter*innen an der Uni für die weltweite Abschaffung von Kernwaffen ein.
Wir sind dabei überzeugt, dass gerade die aktuelle Zuspitzung internationaler Konflikte die nur noch notwendiger macht. Gleichzeitig hat atomare Abrüstung das Potenzial, in der aktuellen Lage zu Entspannung beizutragen.

Im Andenken an die Opfer der Kernwaffenabwürfe 1945 und als Aufruf zu atomarer Abrüstung veranstaltet ein breites Bündnis der Stadt jährlich eine Veranstaltung am Mahnmal direkt an der Uni und seit Jahren beteiligen wir uns daran.

So wollen wir auch in diesem Jahr wieder zu dieser Veranstaltung aufrufen.

Aus terminlichen Gründen klappt es dabei dieses Jahr leider nicht mit einem eigenen Beitrag der Fachschaft, aber einige ältere findet ihr auf unserer Webseite zum Nachlesen: