GPK: From cosmic web to molecular clouds: the multiple scales of galaxy evolution

Tuesday, 4th of June, 16.00
(16.00 Coffee & Cake in the foyer, 16.30 talk & discussion)
Lecture Hall III

The interstellar medium plays a central role in the galaxy evolution process; it is the reservoir that fuels galaxy growth via star formation, the repository of material formed by these stars, and a sensitive tracer of internal and external processes that affect entire galaxies (e.g. accretion and feedback). In this review talk, Amelie Saintonge (University Colege London and MPIfR Bonn) will discuss how observations of the interstellar medium are shedding light on the vast range of physics and scales at play in the star formation and galaxy evolution processes.

These results highlight the multi-scale nature of star formation and galaxy evolution.

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