Update on upcoming changes in the MSc program

This is to announce some of the new measures which will come into effect from the winter term 2023 on. Some of the intended changes might have an influence on your plans, thus, the early information.

  1. There will be a new Primary Area of Specialization „Foundations of Quantum Technologies: Matter, Light and Information“ – this new area is a further development of the already existing secondary area on Quantum Information. As a consquence, you will be able to choose courses for this area in KLIPS accordingly. (See also next mail.)
  2. The Primary Area of Specialization will be reduced from 21 CP to 18 CP. This is done by removing the Advanced Seminar as compulsory part of this module. Thus, you do not have to wait for a fitting seminar offer and/or for your presentation within the seminar before you can do the oral exam.
    IMPORTANT: the MSc examination board has decided that as of now, the exam on the Primary Area can be done before the Adv. Seminar is done. Just note that the PAoS will not show up on your transcript of records until you have also done your seminar presentation.
  3. One of the specialized lectures (3 CP) in your PAoS may be replaced by a research internship. Here are the requirements for the internship to get credits: the scope of the internship must be at least 4 weeks with 20 hours per week and requires a written report!
  4. Students still have to do an Advanced Seminar but it will be combined with one of the two lab course modules to a new module.

Please note that it would be required to change to the new examination regulations for the winter term in order to fully benefit from the changes mentioned above!

In case of further questions ask Petra Neubauer-Guenther.