Welcome Program for new Master Students

Welcome to Cologne!

On behalf of the Cologne Physics Department, the BCGS and the student body we want to cordially invite you to a two-days-program:

We want to give you an overview of the Cologne master physics program, how to chose your courses, how to deal with bureaucratic hussles, what the research in Cologne is about and so on. But more important: There will be a lot of social acticites to get in touch with each other, Cologne student life and the students already studying in Cologne.

We meet on Thursday and Friday, March 30th and 31st of March at 11am in the Foyer of the physics building.

The program is planned for the whole day:

  • Overview over the course program
  • Studying in Germany
  • Labtours
  • One-to-One counseling
  • Scientific talks
  • Party & Kiosk Crawl

If you cannot make it to Cologne: You can also join the first part of the program on both days via ZOOM: https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/j/7891905045?pwd=bkhtRlNxL3E3SnZCTU1oSFNHcHJNQT09

Finalizing your plans for the upcoming semester:

More information, Q&A on Monday, 3. of April:

  • For those coming in presence: 9am, lecture hall III
  • For those participating online: 2pm: https://uni-koeln.zoom.us/j/91219157003?pwd=UXNsa1VCYU94RGNIZjZMa2lnS0JZdz09

See you soon!